Posted by daddymummy2001 on May - 16 - 2020 under Snacks, Sweets

  • 1 cup maida
  • 1 tsp ghee
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • Oil for frying

  • For sugar syrup:

  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1 tsp cardamom powder
Cuisine: Cooking time: 60 mins Serving: 2 people
  1. Take maida, salt, sugar and ghee in a vessel and mix well. Add water little by little to knead it into a soft dough. Keep it aside for 30 minutes.
  2. Take a small portion of the dough and spread out into a thin chapati. Cut the dough into small diamond shapes.
  3. Heat oil in a kadai for deep frying. Fry the diamond shaped pieces till it turns golden brown.
  4. Meanwhile also heat sugar and water in a pan. Just enough water to melt the sugar. Stir in low flame. Add cardamom powder. Boil the sugar water till it reaches 2 string consistency and switch off the gas.
  5. Now drop the fried pieces into the sugar syrup. Mix gently. The pieces will be coated with sugar. Sprinkle powdered sugar over the pieces. Let it cool down. Diamond cuts are ready. To preserve, store it in an air tight container.
To find if the sugar syrup has reached 2 string consistency, hold a pinch of syrup between your index and thumb fingers. When you pull apart your fingers the syrup should form a string.
Meal: Food type:

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